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How a Simple E-Newsletter Can Generate More Revenue for Your Plumbing or HVAC Business

An e-newsletter will produce more repeat and referral business

Roughly 2 billion emails are opened each day and more than half of those come from businesses. Although it seems that other digital marketing outlets like Facebook have become more popular as of recent, the fact of the matter is that email marketing still remains at the top of the list. There are actually triple the amount of email accounts being utilized today than both Facebook and Twitter combined.

Paired with other forms of advertising, the implementation of a well-constructed e-newsletter for your Plumbing or HVAC company can be highly effective in generating both repeat and referral business. You are actually 90% more likely to get a customer to subscribe to your newsletter via email rather than other web-related channels.
Once you have come up with a design style that you are happy with it doesn’t require too much effort to ensure that your customers continue to receive a relatable update on a month-to-month basis. A simple one-page blast is all it takes in order to remain top-of-mind with your clients, so the next time they need your services they won't think twice about giving you a call. Plus, when a friend, coworker, or relative inquires about where to turn when they are looking for a Plumbing or HVAC contractor, only one name will come to mind…yours.

An e-newsletter is an efficient way of letting your customers know that you are always there for them. It also reinforces that you are a credible and conscientious company that is willing to take the time to provide relevant information to your clients.
While an e-newsletter is a promotional tool, it should not just be about making another sale. True, this is your primary objective, but you still need to give your customers a reason to take a gander at it each time you send one out.

Important things to remember when creating an e-newsletter

When creating an e-newsletter there are some pertinent things to keep in mind. First, know the type of people you are catering to. In this industry the typical customers are family oriented homeowners with a stable income. While some may be looking to remedy a simple issue like a leaky air conditioner or a clogged toilet others might be interested in remodeling their entire kitchen. Based on the services you offer you can provide a monthly discount of some sort in order to incentivize your clients to contact you. Setting up a membership program for your customers with some added perks is also a great way to get more people involved.

What else should be included in a successful e-newsletter? Aside from your company name, address, phone number, and logo you will want a team photo that will help your customers to relate to you on a more personal level. Any awards or accreditations that your business has received can also be useful in establishing trust. Follow this up with a few testimonials from satisfied clients and you gain an even greater potential for return customers and lifelong relationships.

Remain top-of-mind

Lastly, your newsletter will not be complete without relevant content. Whether you are providing tips on how to improve indoor air quality or ways to ensure longer lasting pipes, it needs to be something your customers can use to make their lives better. If you have a company blog you can add the 3 most recent posts with corresponding pictures to your newsletter or even links to other informational outlets across the Internet.

Programs like Mailchimp make it incredibly simple to send all of your customers a nice reminder that you still value their business. Some companies fail to see the overall worth of this type of advertising, but I promise you that including an e-newsletter into your marketing strategy will undoubtedly yield positive results.
If you would like to learn more about what Plumber & HVAC SEO can do for your business, just click here to schedule a time to talk with us or call 866-610-4647.

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